As was now customary when our four friends were not with the King, they passed their time at their favourite inn. There they neither played cards nor drank, but conversed quietly, taking care, however, that they were not overheard.

One day as they were chatting quietly at the inn, D'Artagnan heard his name spoken.

Looking up he saw the unknown man of Meung. With a cry of satisfaction, he drew his sword and dashed to the door.

This time, instead of avoiding him, the unknown dismounted from his horse and advanced to meet D'Artagnan.

"Ah, sir," said D'Artagnan, "at last we meet, but this time you will not escape."

"Such is not my intention, sir. This time I seek you. In the name of the King, I arrest you."

"What do you say?" cried D'Artagnan.

"You must surrender your sword to me, sir, without resisting. I warn you that this is very serious."

"Who are you, then?" demanded D'Artagnan, lowering his sword, but not surrendering it.

"I am the Chevalier de Rochefort, personal attendant of His Eminence the Cardinal Richelieu. I have orders to conduct you to His Eminence."

"We happen to be on our way to His Eminence, sir," said Athos, interrupting. "I hope therefore you will accept M. d'Artagnan's word that he will go directly to present himself."

"Nevertheless I must hand him over to a guard."

"We will be his guards, sir, upon our word as gentlemen," said Athos. Then, with a stern look he added, "And also, upon our word as gentlemen, M. d'Artagnan shall not leave us."

The Chevalier de Rochefort glanced behind him and saw Porthos and Aramis. He understood that he was at the mercy of these four men.

"Gentlemen, if M. d'Artagnan will hand me his sword, and join his word of honour with yours, I shall be satisfied with your promise to take him to His Eminence."

"You have my word," said D'Artagnan, "and here is my sword."

"That suits me very well," said Rochefort, "as I wish to continue my journey."

"If you hope to meet Milady," said Athos calmly, "you waste your time. You will not find her."

"What has become of her then?" asked the Chevalier eagerly.

"Return with us and you will find out."

On his way to his office the following evening, the Cardinal saw D'Artagnan waiting to be called. He noticed that D'Artagnan was without his sword. He noticed, too, that the three Musketeers guarding him were none other than the three inseparables, Athos, Porthos and Aramis.

As the Cardinal had a number of attendants with him, he looked sternly at D'Artagnan and made him a sign with his hand to follow him.

D'Artagnan obeyed.

"We shall wait for you, D'Artagnan," said Athos in a voice loud enough for the Cardinal to hear.

The Cardinal frowned, hesitated, and then walked on deep in thought to his office.

He entered his office and ordered Rochefort to bring in the young Musketeer.

D'Artagnan soon found himself alone with Cardinal. The Cardinal stood near the fireplace; a table was between him and D'Artagnan.

"You have been arrested by my orders," said the Cardinal. "Do you know why?"

"No, my lord, since the only thing for which I could be arrested is as yet unknown to your Eminence."

The Cardinal looked steadily at the young man.

"Ah! What does that mean?" said he.

"Will your Eminence honour me first by telling me the crimes with which I am charged?"

"You are charged with crimes that have been the ruin of more important people than you, sir," said Richelieu.

"What, my lord?" asked D'Artagnan with such calmness that even the Cardinal was astounded.

"You are charged with having corresponded with the enemies of France; you are charged with having discovered state secrets; you are charged with having tried to upset the plans of your general."

"Who charges me with this, my lord?" asked D'Artagnan firmly, convinced that the accusation had come from Milady. "A woman branded by the justice of the country; a woman who married one man in France and another in England; a woman who poisoned her second husband, and who attempted twice to have me assassinated and then to poison me?"

"What is that you say, sir?" cried the Cardinal in astonishment, "of what woman are you speaking?"

"Of Milady Winter," replied D'Artagnan. "No doubt your Eminence is ignorant of her crimes, since you honoured her with your confidence."

"Sir," said the Cardinal, "if Milady Winter has committed these crimes with which you charge her, she shall be punished."

"She has already been punished, my lord," said D'Artagnan, who then told of the secret trial and the immediate execution of Milady.

"Another might reply to your Eminence that he had his pardon in his pocket," added D'Artagnan.

"Your pardon?" said Richelieu in surprise, "and signed by whom?"

"By your Eminence."

"By me? You are mad, sir."

"No doubt your Eminence will recognize your own handwriting," replied D'Artagnan, presenting the precious piece of paper that Athos had obtained from Milady and had given D'Artagnan as a protection.

The Cardinal took the paper and read in a slow voice:

Dec. 3,1627.

It is by my order and for the good of the State that the bearer of this has done what he has done.


Having read the two lines the Cardinal stood deep in thought. He seemed undecided, for he rolled and unrolled the paper in his hand.

At length he raised his head, looked steadily at D'Artagnan's open, intelligent face, and reflected on the future of this young man. He saw what his activity, his courage, and his understanding might offer to a good master. Milady—her crimes, her power, her wickedness—had more than once troubled his mind. Now that she was dead, he felt secretly relieved.

He came to his decision and slowly tore the paper to pieces.

Going to his desk he filled in a few lines on an important-looking printed sheet and signed it.

"Young man," said the Cardinal, "I have taken from you one paper to give you another. A name is required on this paper I give you. You can write it in yourself."

D'Artagnan took the paper with hesitating fingers and read it. It was an officer's commission in the Musketeers.

"My lord," said D'Artagnan, kneeling, "I do not merit this favour. I have three friends who are more worthy."

"You are a brave young man, D'Artagnan," interrupted the Cardinal, happy to think that at last he had won the fiery-tempered Gascon to his side. "Write in any name you like, but remember, it is to you I give the commission."

Richelieu then called Rochefort who was waiting just outside the door.

"Rochefort," said he, "from now on I receive M. d'Artagnan as one of my friends. Shake hands with each other then, and be wise if you wish to save your heads."

That evening D'Artagnan called on Athos and offered him the commission.

"Friend," said Athos, "for Athos the honour is too great; for the Comte de la Fère it is too little. Keep it, it is yours."

He next visited Porthos, but he refused on the grounds that he was about to get married. "I shall be too occupied with my affairs and estates to enjoy the distinction. Keep the commission, my friend, keep it."

Aramis was deep in his studies when D'Artagnan called and offered him the commission.

"Alas, my dear friend," said Aramis, "our recent adventures have disgusted me with military life. I am about to enter a monastery. Keep the commission, D'Artagnan; the profession of arms suits you."

Returning to Athos he told him how the other two had also refused. His heart was full of joy and his eyes were moist with tears at the gratitude of his three companions.

Athos took the document and, with a firm, bold hand, wrote D'Artagnan's full name in the blank space.